ROH SuperCard of Honor 2023 Match Ratings

Claudio vs Kingston PPV Poster


Here’s how we rated Ring of Honor’s SuperCard of Honor PPV from Los Angeles. Curious how we rank matches? We’ve got a rubric for that.

ROH SuperCard of Honor 2023 - 3/31/2023

  • El Hijo del Vikingo def. Komander: ★★★★ 1/4

  • The Embassy def. AR Fox, Blake Christian, and Metalik to retain the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: ★★★

  • Athena def. Yuka Sakazaki to retain the ROH Women’s World Championship: ★★★★

  • Samoa Joe def. Mark Briscoe to retain the ROH World Television Championship: ★★★

  • Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Daniel Garcia: ★★★

  • The Lucha Bros def. Top Flight, The Kingdom, Aussie Open, and Rush and Dralistico to win the ROH World Tag Team Championship: ★★★★ 1/2

  • Katsuyori def. Wheeler Yuta to win the ROH Pure Championship: ★★★

  • Claudio Castagnoli def. Eddie Kingston to retain the ROH World Championship: ★★★★ 1/2


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